Group Descriptions
Check out a short description of our groups below! Please note that not all groups run at all our locations and some are season-dependent.
Don't see a group for you? Contact us and let us know what kind of group you would like to see.
Creative Group
These sessions are not always so much about the activity but more something to look forward to, to get out of bed for and to leave with more confidence and self-worth. They offer a relaxed atmosphere in a safe space where you know you have something in common with others.
The activity is something to base conversation around and can be helpful to those with social anxiety: to be around people without eyes being on you directly.
Activities in the art sessions have included: design tote bags, make keyrings, pottery, collages, painting, cyanotype and more.

Depression & Anxiety Group
Our depression and anxiety support groups have run for over 8 years in many areas of East Kent.
No diagnosis is needed but conversations develop from the check-in at the beginning of the group. There is no pressure to talk when you join the group, just meet other people and be around others- find things in common, learn ways of coping/ managing and have a safe space to vent and offload the stresses of life.
Gardening Group
At The Garden in Faversham, attendees have the flexibility to join in with whatever they feel comfortable doing. Learn a new skill or rekindle old ones, share knowledge, socialise, get out of your usual scenery and reduce isolation. There's planting, painting and other activities to take part in, then a lovely seating area where we chat and have breaks, biscuits and tea.
Running from Spring to the end of Summer

Tea & Treats
No sign-up needed, just pop in to talk.
Join us to socialise over refreshments and discuss the services and your mental health care: the good, the bad and everything in-between!
Whether you've used one organisation or a few, just sussing out support or used services / voluntary organisations for a while, let us know how it's been. Your experience will help decision makers to understand what works, what doesn’t and what could be improved.
Running in Folkestone and coming soon to Dover and Ashford
Mood Group
The Mood Group (online) is open to those who have a diagnosis (or suggested diagnosis by GP/ waiting for Psychiatrist assessment) of EUPD/BPD and/or Bi-polar. The groups are flexible and we discuss whatever comes up in the check-in. From our experience, the symptoms under these labels are often similar and misdiagnoses frequently take place.
There are also opportunities for facilitators to refer you to other organisations/specialist support if we know about other services in your area. This group has run for over 5 years and is very successful in supporting those with these diagnoses. We know it is difficult to find like-minded people who are open to discussing life's struggles.

Cooking on a Budget
The cooking group sessions are about gaining confidence in cooking and socialising around a table. Meet new people and gain skills.
The group will focus on cooking on a budget and we usually plan healthier meals (with a few cheeky dishes thrown in here and there).
Recipes have included: pasties, curries, vegetarian dishes, pasta dishes, chilli, pies and so much more.
IT Group
Borrow a laptop and we can help you access the internet; online groups; create documents; fill out forms, set up an email address and more.
You can also bring your smartphone, tablet or laptop to get help with whatever you're stuck on.
Running in Dover

(Peer Support Crisis Group)
This is a referral only service for people in crisis or experiencing suicidal ideation. The group aims to provide distraction and peer support for people attending. It is currently run online. The purpose is the provision of support to help people manage their crisis, meet other people and keep themselves well. They can also be shown what other groups or services are available in the community. Running on a Sunday evening, it has been highly successful in helping people in distress to deal with difficult times when many other services are closed.
Please talk to your GP, Psychiatrist or Care Co-ordinator if you wish to engage with this service. To refer someone click here
Walking Group
In spring and summer, we explore our local areas with a group.
With isolation and the stresses of life hanging over us, come on a walk in the outdoors and see the world again.
"I've loved walking every week with the group, I don't normally get out much but they've encouraged me so I do it a bit more now. I'll think about walking during winter too if it's not too chilly".

On the Farm
On the Farm is getting out from behind the 4 walls, meeting animals and getting your hands a bit mucky.
Attendees have a plethora of things to see and do at the farm each week. There are goats, horses, donkeys, chickens and a few sweet farm dogs. Many of the animals have been rescued and some have come from abusive homes.
There is an element of animal husbandry in which attendees can take part in the making of enclosures for the different animals.